Job fair Oct. 1 in Chatham


The Municipality of Chatham-Kent’s Employment Resource Centres, in partnership with the Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board are inviting employers to participate in the third annual CK Works! Community Job Fair.

The event takes place Oct. 1 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the John D Bradley Centre.

This event emerged out of a need identified from data obtained by the Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board in their annual EmployerOne survey, a local labour market survey funded through the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.

“Employers are telling us that they are struggling to fill their vacant positions because they are not receiving enough applications. CK Works! Community Job Fair makes it easier for employers to meet with job seekers by bringing them together with the common goal of finding a job. Last year’s event brought in over 700 job seekers. With those kinds of numbers, who knows who you, as an employer, might meet who would be a perfect addition to your organization!” said Kristy Jacobs, Project Manager of the Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board, in a media release.

The Municipality’s Resident Attraction and Retention team, Employment and Social Services, Economic Development Services, as well as community partners will be promoting the event to job seekers and graduates in the region and employers within Chatham-Kent in the coming months.

“Chatham-Kent’s Employment and Social Services and the Chatham-Kent Workforce Planning Board have made this event part of their annual work plans, because we all see the benefit and need for it every day. Employers are seeking new ways to engage new potential candidates, and job seekers are looking for simple ways to find out about new and different jobs often while they are working. CKWorks! accomplishes both by hosting a number of organizations under one roof. There are no long line-ups and its one stop shopping for hundreds of jobs, and not just jobs, but good paying jobs, right here in Chatham-Kent. Each year we build on the success of the last with the help of community partners like Community Living and St Clair College,“ said Polly Smith, Director of Employment & Social Services with the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

Spaces are limited. This event operates on a first come, first serve basis. Tables are available at the cost of $75.00. The online registration for employers can be found at: For more information, please call 519.436.3299 to speak with, or email

Employer registration closes at the end of this week.


  1. The problem with many employers is they get 50 resumes for a job posting, view half of them. If they still can’t find someone they repost the ad again.


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