Strong support for Strong Kids

Pictured presenting a cheque on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent to the Chatham-Kent YMCA are, from left, Rachel Raspburg (Co-Chapter Leader) with daughter Annie; Barb McEwan (Nominating Member, Volunteer Chairperson of CK YMCA Celebration of Youth Awards); Jim Loyer (Volunteer Chairperson of the CK YMCA Strong Kids Campaign); Amy Wadsworth (General Manager of the CK YMCA); Quinn O’Hara Lassaline (Co-Chapter Leader); Tina Hodgson (Member); and Tammy Teeuwen (Member).

The Chatham-Kent Chapter of 100 Women Who Care recently presented more than $12,000 to the Chatham-Kent YMCA for the Strong Kids Campaign recently.

Nominating Member, Barb McEwan, who is also a volunteer chairperson with the Chatham-Kent YMCA, presented this financial need to 100+ Women Who Care CK at their May meeting.

“A sincere thank you to all the ladies who are part of the Chatham-Kent 100+ Women Who Care for this generous gift. We are very lucky to have such great volunteers like Barb who are very passionate and believe in the great work we do at our Y. With summer camp approaching, this donation will allow us to help even more families across our CK community. Thank you,” Amy Wadsworth, Chatham-Kent YMCA General Manager, said in a media release.

“It was certainly a pleasure meeting the representatives of the Chatham-Kent 100+ Women Who Care today and getting the opportunity to thank them in person for their group’s extraordinarily generous gift to the Y’s 2019 Strong Kids Campaign. It was quite timely to see a mother and daughter at the front desk behind us, a perfect example of the benefit donations like theirs provide to our community. Again, thank you on behalf of the YMCA of Chatham-Kent,” Jim Loyer, Chatham-Kent YMCA Strong Kids Charity Chairman said.


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