Ward 1 Mark Pastorius


I have decided to run for a council position on the basis I feel we require a change.

The senseless spending of Municipal tax dollars seriously needs to be addressed if we are ever to move Chatham-Kent forward.

Our taxes are among the highest, our infrastructure is drastically being neglected and these are just a few of the things that require a fresh perspective.

  1. Do you support increasing funding for infrastructure given the fact several culverts and bridges – including the Third Street Bridge – have had emergency issues and closures recently?

Yes, a funding increase for infrastructure is definitely needed. Between the pump stations for water management, culverts, bridges & roads each year we fail to address these necessities we lose ground which intern makes it harder and harder to rebound to get ahead of the already failing infrastructure.

2. Would you support a tax freeze or rollback if it meant reduced staff and/or services?

In my opinion we are currently lacking in staff and services as it is. We have some of the worst response times for EMS due to staffing levels. We have the equipment just no staff due to funding and a freeze or a roll back would only hurt further if we have to cut more staff. We just have to evaluate the way we currently are spending the tax dollars we have and if corrected then and only then the possibility exists of a rollback or a tax freeze.

3. Would you support shifting some services to the private sector if those services could be done more efficiently that way?

No I think if the private sector has the potential to offer the services in a more efficient manner maybe we need to have a look at what we are doing inefficiently and correct it.

4. Do you believe we need a municipal ombudsman or ethics commissioner?

If we were to address the transparency issues and we are more open with the public I think this would justify not having an ombudsman or ethics commissioner.

5. Do you support investigating a reduction in the number of council members?

I feel it doesn’t cost anything but a little time and effort to investigate a reduction in the number of council members. With that being said do we require a reduction I believe we are fine with the current number of councilors.

6. Should the municipality try to land an Ontario Cannabis Store as soon as possible?

We need to do this in the early stages so we can be proactive and a part in correcting the hurdles when this all rolls out.

7. Should council be more proactive in terms of working with landowners with contaminated wells?

Council should be trying to find a solution along with the landowners as it pertains to contaminated wells absolutely. We live in a country where safe drinking water should be a given.

8. Some critics say the municipal building department is an impediment to development in C-K. Do you agree?

My understanding is the amount of red tape is a large deterrent for people wanting to develop here in Chatham-Kent.

9. Do you believe Chatham needs a new twin-pad arena?

I believe we do need a new twin pad arena in Chatham. With that being said not at the experience of shutting down arenas in the rural communities. If that is the only resolution then I would have to lobby against it. Losing the arenas in the smaller communities of Chatham-Kent will be to devastating for the growth of those communities.

10. Should the municipality cut back on its expenditures for overseas economic development efforts?

Over the past years we have spent numerous amounts of money on these trips with from what I’ve seen no return on the investment we are spending for these overseas trips.

11. Should municipal councillors ever be forced to go the Freedom of Information route when seeking municipal information?

Not only should councillors never be forced to go to the Freedom of Information route the citizens of Chatham-Kent should also be excluded from having to go that route to obtain information about Chatham-Kent and its affairs.

Should members of the public have more access to municipal information without having to resort to an FOI?

Absolutely the public needs more access without having to resort to the Freedom of Information route.


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