Robotics team seeking members


High school students interested in coding and robotics have an opportunity to learn firsthand about being a part of a robotics team at on open house at St. Clair College Thames Campus on Oct. 3 at 7 p.m.

The CK Cyber Pack FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition in Science and Technology) robotics team is a community-based team based out of St Clair College, open to all high school aged students across Chatham-Kent, according Cyber Pack team mentor and high school computer science teacher Jennifer Torrance.

“We are holding a recruitment open house on Wed., Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. Free pizza and refreshments will be available and parents and teens are welcome,” Torrance said.

The open house will be held at St Clair College Thames Campus in Room 165. There will be signs and students directing people where to go.

For time commitment, Torrance said weekly meetings take place at St Clair College at 6:30 p.m., and anyone not able to make the open house is encouraged to come to the meetings. New members are always welcome.

St Clair College is one of the team’s major sponsors, giving high school students interested in engineering and robotics the chance to get hands-on experience with designing robots and competing against other students.

For more information or with questions, e-mail [email protected] or find the team on Facebook or Twitter @ckcyberpack5689.


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