Chatham Goodfellows 64th annual No Child Without a Christmas campaign
received a $12,000 kick-start from 100 Plus Women Who Care recently.
The funds will go towards the Goodfellows boot and shoe program
Four times per year for one hour, 100-plus women who care about their local
community raise more than $10,000 for a Chatham-Kent charity. From the group’s most recent meeting, the Chatham Goodfellows were the fortunate recipients.
In addition to providing food and toys for 1,400 families each year, Chatham
Goodfellows provide boot and shoe vouchers for children of approximately
1,300-1,400 families in the communities of Chatham, Merlin, as well as the former
Townships of Dover, Chatham, Harwich and Raleigh for boot and/or shoes from
Giant Tiger on Grand Avenue West in Chatham.
Chatham Goodfellows Key Dates and Special Events include the AGM Nov. 1, seasonal office opening Nov. 5, final day to accept names Nov. 30, Porchlight campaign Dec. 3, toy packing Dec. 10-13, Street Sales Dec. 14 and 15, and food packing Dec. 18.