Who will be held accountable?


Sir: I recently read The Chatham Voice from Thurs., April 12. It seems Essex MPP Taras Natyshak has uncovered some info. It seems that some details have shown the pile driving would affect underground wells. That has affected quite a few people.

Natyshak said he is not giving up on the subject. Good for him. It has gone on long enough.

When you read that Mr. Lusk has purchased a water tank, and now will pay $120 per month to fill it up so he will be sure to have clean drinking water, there’s someone out there who needs to be blamed for this well business every happening.

Too many have been affected for it to be a coincidence. I wrote a letter before on the subject what Natyshak said, but to my knowledge it was never printed. Regardless of what political party he belongs to, he is right on I am sure.

Keep up the fight. It really is the only way to get to the bottom of the subject, which seems to have no end. The farmers feel they should give their livestock bottled water to be on the safe side – someone out there should be accountable.

Ruth Draper



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