Day of Kindness in C-K


Kinsmen and Kinette clubs across Canada participated in a National Day of Kindness recently.

With their motto being “Serving the communities greatest needs,” these clubs celebrate the people in their communities by spreading kindness through various projects.

Locally, the Chatham Kinsmen club provided a free breakfast Feb. 24 at the Shepherd’s Way Inn, as well as providing many Tim Horton’s customers with a toonie to pay for their coffee on that day.

The Chatham Kinsmen club wants to thank everyone who supports all the fundraisers and events that they do throughout the year, including selling fireworks, the annual Kinsmen Fair (this year June 7-10) and other draws and raffles. Without this community’s ongoing support, they could not provide funds to breakfast programs, minor sports, and other community organizations that require funding.

Check out their website at for events and other information.


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