Hundreds enjoy breakfast with Santa

Teagan Florence gives Layton Simpson, 4, a helping hand while decorating a Christmas cookie Saturday at the annual Breakfast with Santa event at the WISH Centre put on by East Side Pride.

Breakfast with Santa at the WISH Centre isn’t just an annual event in Chatham; it’s a very busy one.

More than 300 people turned out for Saturday’s breakfast, Christmas crafts, and a chance to see Santa and Mrs. Clause up close.

The event, put on by East Side Pride, is in its seventh year, organizer Marjorie Crew said.

“It just keeps growing,” she said.

There is never any shortage of volunteers either, as police and firefighters join forces to cook and serve the food, which was free for all children in attendance.

When Santa and Mrs. Claus stepped into the WISH Centre about 11 a.m., they were received like rock stars. Kids jumped out of their seats and rushed up to give them hugs and to say hello.

Soon thereafter, they lined up to give the jolly bearded fellow their Christmas wish lists as well.

One family of Syrian refugees took part in the breakfast this year, Crew said, adding they were more than welcome, as the event is open to everyone.

Santa and Mrs. Claus receive hugs in warm greeting by some of the children who took part in Saturday’s Breakfast with Santa event at the WISH Centre put on by East Side Pride.


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