Vintage vehicles part of our heritage


Sir: Re: Response to Will Shepherd letter, June 15, “Reader dislikes RetroFest immensely.”

These automobiles are part of our downtown heritage. The clinking, clanking collections of ancient metallic trash called old cars are of interest to thousands of people. Yes, there is some inconvenience for downtown, but over 10,000 people are out to see these automobiles.

The best thing to do is to avoid downtown for that one-day auto show. This event is highly advertised so if you are not interested, shop the day before the show. This is only a one-day show, so we will survive a one day closure of the street.

As far as moving the show to a different location, it will come with a big price. Who covers the show, whose property, and also a high rate of coverage of insurance. Let’s be thankful of what we have in Chatham as there are not a lot of free outings.

I also lose business because of the auto show, but I hope my customers will understand for a one day show and the free outing. I hope my customers would come back.

People gather, see friends, eat out and enjoy the food, games for children, music for everyone etc.

I hope you will understand the auto show is free and a tremendous amount of work goes into this event and many people that can’t afford to go places can go to this show and bring children.

Sir, all the best to you and enjoy life – it’s great.

B.A. Holland



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