Camp Vincent ready for a new season of campers

Camp Vincent assistant director Mikayla Kendrick has a tough job as the surrogate mom to 11 chicks, but the two-week-old Barred Plymouth chicks are enjoying napping on her lap and keeping warm while the staff gears up for campers.
Camp Vincent assistant director Mikayla Kendrick has a tough job as the surrogate mom to 11 chicks, but the two-week-old Barred Plymouth chicks are enjoying napping on her lap and keeping warm while the staff gears up for campers.

Summer camp veterans know exactly what to expect when they sign up for a week at Camp Vincent, but the organization has added some new “faces” to the program this year.

According to camp director Paige Butt and program director Josh Avery-Scott, a new twist to the nature part of the program this summer is 11 Barred Plymouth chickens, currently two weeks old.

“During the week, campers will get to help raise the chickens,” Butt explained.

Avery-Scott said that activity is part of the canoeing, archery, arts and games that follow a themed story line, with lots of woods activities involved and characters.

One thing that campers can always count on is what takes place every night.

“Campfires are one of the best parts of the day,” Butt said, and it can involve some interesting characters and stories.

The first week of the Bothwell camp this season is a short week July 4 and more information on Camp Vincent and registration is available at


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