Laughter, the best medicine


Sir: It was a long anxious day anticipating the arrival of that special document to be delivered by my favorite and friendly post person. Then, suddenly a noise on the front porch. It was here!

Containing my excitement, I carefully searched through the pack of mail and flyers and found what I was looking for, the hydro bill. I knew that a rebate was expected and promised by the government. I was shaking like leaf knowing that my life would improve greatly with some extra cash.

I ripped open the envelope wildly, like a young child opening a present on his birthday, unfolded it and read each line carefully and there it was, the eight per cent provincial rebate, $1.94. I was giddy with excitement knowing that now I will have to recalculate my monthly budget.

I will take 60 cents and divide it up equally for gas, water and hydro, 20 cents each. Another 60 cents will go to groceries. 60 cents will be earmarked for general expenses for my vehicle. The leftover 14 cents will go to coincidental expenditures and emergencies.

If God is willing and no emergencies arise, I can save that 14 cents every month for a year and I will have enough money to buy myself something nice at the dollar store. I’ve had my eye on some black shoelaces for my dress shoes for over a year now.

Thank you, Premier Wynne, I now see your vision to help people with the costs of everyday living.

P.S. You may want to send your calculator in for some service work. The PST portion on my bill should have been $3.42.

Don Heinhuis



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