Teen looking to shoot his own movie in C-K



Brandon Medd, 14, is looking for cast and crewmembers for a movie he wants to shoot, starting this spring. He’s seen here getting some advice from local filmmaker Florin Marksteiner.
Brandon Medd, 14, is looking for cast and crewmembers for a movie he wants to shoot, starting this spring. He’s seen here getting some advice from local filmmaker Florin Marksteiner.

Wallaceburg’s Brandon Medd is looking to shoot a movie this spring and summer in Wallaceburg.

It’s pretty lofty stuff; more so when you consider Medd is only 14.

The Grade 9 Wallaceburg District Secondary School student said the film would be about a small town in Ontario surviving the Third World War, and not really knowing it actually took place.

Medd said the filming would take place in Dresden for the most part, with scenes also shot in Wallaceburg, he said.

“This is a normal small town, with community events; a place where everyone is close to their neighbours,” he said.

But it’s also a place where folks appear not to pay close attention to what’s happening around the globe. Medd said things start to go wrong, as radio stations drop off the air, as do TV signals.

“They contact police in Toronto and are informed the U.S. has gone to war with Russia,” Mess explained.

The town is left to survive on its own, and the people have numerous issues with which to contend.

“It will have a cliffhanger. We’re hoping it will get a lot of interest and we can do a second movie,” Medd said.

It’s not his first effort either, but he hopes this one will have better luck than his initial foray into film writing.

Medd wrote and attempted to make a movie about the glass factory in Wallaceburg, where a boy seeks to turn the idled factory into a museum.

But the concept generated little interest and he shelved the idea.

“It’s a different story line this time,” he said. “This time we went for more scary and more action packed.”

He said he has a couple of actors hired, but still needs more cast and crew.

Plus, he needs a little financial support to with the film. That’s why he started a GoFundMe page at https://www.gofundme.com/tg-the-end-movie.

Medd said he got bit by the movie bug after working with another local filmmaker, Florin Marksteiner. Medd has worked on the crew and acted in several Marksteiner efforts and decided he’d like to write one of his own.

He said he receives a great deal of support from his parents, but doesn’t have friends who share his love of filmmaking.

“I don’t know much of a crowd that is into this stuff,” he said.

Anyone interested in taking part in the film can contact Medd at bdog10012002@outlook.com.



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