C-K Youth Festival held Saturday



Toriana Loyer, 3, receives encouragement from her sister Morgan, 17, moments before letting her hand-made air rocket fly skyward. Toriana’s construct soared high on this launch – with the help of staff from Camp Kenesserie – at the annual C-K Youth Festival Saturday in Tecumseh Park

Ava Comiskey, 2, and her dad, Jeff, were just two of the thousands of people on hand Saturday to enjoy the annual Chatham-Kent Youth Festival in Tecumseh Park. Kids could enjoy rides, bouncy castles and slides, and families could check out a slew of vendors offering youth programs, for the summer, and year round.
Ava Comiskey, 2, and her dad, Jeff, were just two of the thousands of people on hand Saturday to enjoy the annual Chatham-Kent Youth Festival in Tecumseh Park. Kids could enjoy rides, bouncy castles and slides, and families could check out a slew of vendors offering youth programs, for the summer, and year round.


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