Everyday Heroes on the rise


unitedwayChatham-Kent United Way campaign is five “everyday heroes” closer to its goal of 783 by the end of the campaign in mid-January.

The everyday hero designation is given to an individual, group or business that raises a dollar a day.

The 2015 campaign is in danger of falling $200,000 short of its $2,001,500 goal, a deficit that will impact programs and the estimated 40,000 local residents the United Way estimates it helps each year.

“We are asking everyone in C-K to step forward in a very big way. We need 783 new ‘Everyday Heroes’ – donors giving a minimum of $365 or $1 per day to achieve our target,” campaign co chair Kelly Bayda said recently. “Many of us in this community are very fortunate in our lives and we are asking you to help others in need.”

Donations to the campaign can be made online at www.uwock.ca, over the phone or in person at any of the three office locations. Those wishing to receive a 2015 income tax receipt are encouraged to submit their gift on or before Dec. 31.



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