United Way still $1.4M short of goal



Last night the Wallaceburg Information and HELP Centre hosted a Public Report Night Campaign Update at Gatsby’s Grill House.

The 2015 Campaign Co-Chairs, Kelly Bayda and Aimee June, gave some opening remarks then accepted various campaign contributions.

Among those presenting were Bill Pollock, President of UAW 251, on behalf of UAW 251 and UAW Region 1 the proceeds for the UAW United Way Open along with Karen Armitage, Dusty Nogueira and Carolyn Nogueira presenting on behalf of the Sydenham Challenge Dragon Boat Festival.

“We still have a little over $1.4 Million to go before our touchdown in mid-January, which means there is still a lot of work ahead of us but we are excited to see the amount raised to date continue to grow as workplace campaigns begin to report their achievements. Next week the Union Gas campaign will wrap up,” said June in a media release.

“Other workplace campaigns are just beginning,” added Bayda.“Plus ‘L’il Red’ envelopes have been arriving at the office daily with return contributions and we have quite a few special events coming up including A Christmas Fayre, a play in Bothwell, Starlight Film Festival for youth, and the Wallaceburg Chili Cook-Off. There is a lot going on and a lot of people working behind the scenes to help us reach our goal.”

The next Public Report Night will be held in Blenheim on December 10.


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