Hazardous Waste Day set for Sept. 12



When the summer draws to a close and the kids head back to school, it’s quickly fall cleanup time.

And that means it’s also time for the annual household hazardous waste day. This year, that day is Sept. 12.

Chatham Mazda from Chatham Voice on Vimeo.

People can bring batteries, old paint, pesticides, old motor oil, gasoline and more to three public works yards – in Chatham at 25 Creek Rd., in Chatham Township at 10137 Greenvalley Line, and in Ridgetown at 13337 Reeders Line.

Rick Kucera, manager of waste and recycling services, said more than 1,100 vehicles drove up to drop off last year, and the numbers have been fairly consistent in recent years.

The municipality has run the event for the past 15 years. Kucera said Progressive Waste Solutions sponsors the day, in conjunction with the Ridge Landfill.

“We used to have this event in the spring. But it’s not as busy a time as fall for cleaning,” Kucera said.

While numbers are consistent in recent years, he believes people are also taking advantage of ongoing drop-off locations for various hazardous elements. For example, you can drop off used motor oil and oil containers to Jiffy Lube on Keil Drive in Chatham, or to any of the municipal transfer stations.

For more details, visit the municipal website, http://www.chatham-kent.ca/GarbageandRecycling/Pages/HouseholdHazardousWaste.aspx.

“There are a lot of take-back programs in the community now. These programs at various vendors really help give residents an immediate option should that be their need,” Kucera said.

Still, there are folks who like or need the convenience of a one-day event where you can drop off a variety of items at one location.

“Every once in a while, someone passes away and their children assume responsibility for the property, and they find something that may have been sitting around for 15-20 years or more,” Kucera said.

The Sept. 12 event runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.


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