Stay outta C-K!



You’ve heard of old-school sheriffs kicking people out of their towns and telling them to never come back, but did you know that it still happens today, but through the courts?

Just ask a 27-year-old London woman. Police say an officer observed the woman riding a bike on Richmond Street in Chatham early one morning recently. According to police, the woman is not to be in the municipality except for court appearances and medical appointments.

The officer learned the woman wasn’t scheduled for court or any meeting with legal council that day, and medical appointments normally occur during business hours, so a warrant was issued for her arrest for failing to comply.

Last night about 10:40 p.m., an officer on general patrol saw the woman riding a bike carrying a backpack while pedalling on Park Street in Chatham. Police say upon being searched, the officer discovered bolt cutters, a wrench, screwdriver, box cutter and two pairs of snips.

On top of the failing to comply charge, the woman now faces charges of being in possession of break-in tools.

She wasn’t the only woman arrested last night. Police say a woman was arrested on Degge Street about 10 p.m. Wednesday night in connection with a June 22 break-in.

On that date, sometime between noon and 1:30 p.m., a man and woman entered apartments on Thames Street, making off with a TV, tools, jewelry and a wooden wagon.

The man was arrested that night, but the woman eluded police … until last night

A 34-year-old woman of no fixed address is charged with break and enter, theft, and two counts of possession of stolen property.


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