Raving about the service

Will Playfoot, shown here with coworkers Lola Demers, left, and Rai-Ann McKinlay, works the drive-thru window at Tim Horton’s on Park Avenue East. Playfoot’s demeanour has customers raving about his customer service.

It’s first thing in the morning, you’re speaking in grunts, and you roll up to a drive-thru window to order life-giving coffee. What happens next can often make or break your day.

For early morning customers at the Tim Horton’s on Park Avenue East, the team at the window are getting an A+ for sending customers off feeling good, especially 10-year Tim’s veteran Will Playfoot.

Playfoot’s name is one that comes up often in social media by people wanting to rave about great customer service. His cheerful manner and efficient service sends people on their way feeling good, a skill that keeps bringing people back.

“I will drive across town to go to Park Avenue drive-thru when I know Will is working the window,” said Michelle Carron, when asked for comments on Will’s service on Facebook. “He knows what customer service is all about and never fails to put a smile in my day.”

Fellow Facebook respondent Patrick Moore agreed.

“Great guy; always pleasant service from Will.”

Chatham Mazda from Chatham Voice on Vimeo.

A humble and slightly puzzled Playfoot said he appreciates the fact people take the time to compliment his service, but he just goes by the adage, “Treat others as you want to be treated.

“With customer service, you have to remember these people are paying your wages,” Playfoot said. “I try to be a positive person all the time and you can’t let the little things bother you. You have to understand, some of these people just woke up.”

There are times when people in the line-up aren’t exactly at their best, but Playfoot said he takes it all in stride.

“You may have one customer that is not so, shall we say, tasteful, but down the line, you get one who make up for it,” he noted.

A former co-worker of Playfoot’s also chimed in on Facebook.

“I used to work with Will. Amazing co-worker; helpful, patient and does whatever he can to make you feel welcome. Just an all-around great guy,” said Brooke Maynard.

Many people responding to our question on Facebook have had other customer service wins in Chatham, like the McDonald’s drive-thru employee with the “radio voice,” Rubie and her daughter at Rubie’s on Grand Avenue East who always help find just the right gift, and other Tim’s employees on Keil Drive in Chatham and the one in Tilbury.

Excellent customer service should be the goal of every organization that serves the public, but kudos to those people who have mastered the art of giving people a positive experience and sending them away with a smile on their face.


  1. lol, I'm happy to see Will is finally getting the recognition he deserves. He was always very friendly when I used to use the Park Ave location. Now I use uptown…some of those girls (and guy) could take a lesson or two from Will…or they shouldn't be in the customer service industry!!!!
    (especially the girl working the drive thru THIS morning!!!)

  2. In a declining service industry it's important we recognize these folks that add a positive twist to our day. Congratulations Will, I'll be by to get some coffee from you!

  3. I whole-heartedly agree that Will deserves an award for his incredibly upbeat, pleasant attitude, and efficiency. I always leave the drive through with a smile after his service at the drive-through. His genuine cheerfulness is contagious!


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