C-K gets another 5-Bloom rating

Sydenham Field Naturalist Larry Cornelis, left, shared the success story of the preservation of Wallaceburg's Sycamore Woods Nature Preserve with international judges Jim Baird and Berta Briggs while they visited Chatham-Kent in July. The judges were so impressed by activities such as this throughout Chatham-Kent that we received special recognition for our preservation of natural sites by volunteers.
Sydenham Field Naturalist Larry Cornelis, left, shared the success story of the preservation of Wallaceburg’s Sycamore Woods Nature Preserve with international judges Jim Baird and Berta Briggs while they visited Chatham-Kent in July. The judges were so impressed by activities such as this throughout Chatham-Kent that we received special recognition for our preservation of natural sites by volunteers.

Chatham-Kent received a 5-Bloom rating in the large category of this year’s International Communities in Bloom (CiB) competition.

During the CiB symposium and awards ceremonies held Sept. 20 in Charlottetown, P.E.I, The Municipality of Chatham-Kent was once again awarded the top bloom rating in the competition. C-K also received special recognition for its preservation of natural sites by volunteers.

International CiB judges Berta Briggs and Jim Baird, who were in Chatham-Kent at the end of July, said they were particularly impressed by the “dedication membership of the Sydenham Field Naturalists.”

Their efforts have made possible the restoration of Peers Wetland, its neighbouring tall grass prairie and the planting of 5,000 native trees and shrubs.

Judges also applauded the group for its part in saving Sycamore Woods where “signage and trails … provide visitors with information and a great educational experience.”

“The entire community, its citizens, service groups, and businesses should all be very proud of our accomplishments as a whole,” said Communities in Bloom coordinator Monica Moore in a media release. “The hard work and enthusiasm of our community has once again earned us top marks in this elite international competition!”

“The CiB program judges a community’s environmental responsibility, heritage conservation, and overall beautification, so by striving for excellence in each of these areas we are constantly improving Chatham-Kent’s quality of life,” she added.

Information on the community’s accomplishments is recorded in Chatham-Kent’s CiB Community Profile Book, which was reviewed by the CiB judges.


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