City staff take issue with signs preaching safety



A group of Michener Road parents believe they’ve found a way to get drivers to slow down through their neighbourhood. It’s been working, they say. But now municipal officials told them things must change.

The residents live along the chicane on Michener – the twisting portion of the road where two months ago a speeding SUV hopped a sidewalk, took out a hydro pole, plowed through a green hydro box and flipped over.

Neighbours point to front yards where out-of-control cars have come to rest in the past; where homes have actually been hit.

To get drivers’ attention, the parents have erected a series of signs, asking people to slow down, for their kids’ sake.

“There are kids everywhere in this neighbourhood. We have 10 kids in just this little area of five houses,” resident Tammy Brooks said, looking out over the middle stretch of the chicane on Michener.

The signs do have an impact. Cars come speeding around the southern bend, and generally slow down when their drivers see the signs.

The neighbourhood residents got together and had about half a dozen signs made, placing them on the boulevard in front of their homes between the sidewalk and the curb.

But that contravenes the municipal sign bylaw. Brooks said a city employee stopped by Oct. 11 and told residents they had to move the signs off the grass strip and back onto their lawns.


“Because you’re distracting drivers. As you can see, we all rushed out to move our signs,” Brooks said sarcastically.

Brooks lives on Michener with her husband and two young daughters. Brett Doherty lives across the street. He also has two kids.

“From what I’ve seen, there have been a lot of accidents along this stretch of road. People rip through here. I don’t know if they like the twists, but it is bad.”

Doherty said it is particularly problematic between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., when kids are out and about walking home from school or playing outdoors.

Michener resident Carrie O’Hara is frustrated, and disagrees with the municipal request.

“To me, that (the sign in front of her home) is not any more distracting than the hydro box,” she said, pointing to a large, green box that sits in the boulevard two houses down. “What else are we supposed to do when nothing is done?”

Doherty said it’s sad that when he and other neighbours are trying to send a message, they are told to move their signs. He pointed out that when other folks do the same thing every four years, it doesn’t seem to be a problem.

“I notice during election time there are all kinds of signs out here,” he said. “The city doesn’t make people move them back.”

Chatham Coun. Marjorie Crew said she feels for the parents.

“I am concerned about the safety of the children and speeding,” she said. “I understand what they are doing with the signs. But signs can be a problem when you get too many of them.”
She said she’s had to retrieve election signs that were placed on boulevards or in other improper locations in the past, as they contravened the municipal bylaws.

Crew wants to work with the parents to see what can be done to curb speeding along Michener.

“This is the first I’ve heard of it. I’m thinking the signs are a symptom of something else that is happening and this needs to be addressed,” she said.

Chatham Coun. Derek Robertson said the parents have a point, as speeding is an issue on Michener, as well as other arterial roads in Chatham.

“My mother lives in that neighbourhood. I understand their concerns as I travel that road frequently,” he said. “I think what they are trying to accomplish is noble. There has to be a way to find a common ground to help them satisfy their goals and be in compliance with the bylaws.”

He thinks if residents were to move the signs onto their lawns, even just on the other side of the sidewalk, it wouldn’t impact their awareness campaign.





  1. Hey it worked for me. I took one look at those signs and slowed down. Proof is in the "puddin" your foot on the brake. As for municipal staff, a reminder that laws are for our benefit; the second they interfere with common sense, you got a problem.

  2. A lot of people were slowing down when the signs were on municipal property (whoops!). Now that we have moved them back onto our property the speeds have gone up. Thanks to Bruce's write up, our 'Voice"'s have been heard. Chief of police is going to have some police presence, and some councillors have said they will get change…..can't wait for Bruce to be able to put a follow up piece that tells how councillors came up with a solution!!!!

  3. Take a little sign down because of a by-law..How about taking all the portable signs down that advertise for businesses, that sit out on the shoulder of a road that block the view for those vechicles who try to get out on the main road!!!!!

  4. Just a second post here for me…Where can I get these signs? I need a couple to put out on my road in Blenheim to slow down speeding cars.

  5. Yes, absolutely Dave, I've nearly been in a few fender benders because of signs like that, and what about the crazy parking on the bridge by Coffee Culture that is far more dangerous than a few small signs. Yet more evidence that the municipality is overcome with Administrivia.

  6. Leave the signs by the road no matter what the city says especially if they slow idiots down. Stick together if you want things done its that simple. Maybe since the city is complaining stop cutting the front grass once summer arrives and tell the city to take care of it themselves.


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