Flu shot clinics start Oct. 30


Syringe with fluid

CK flu clinic graphicFlu season is coming and the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit is again offering community flu shot clinics across the municipality.

Seasonal flu is a serious respiratory illness transmitted by coming in contact with respiratory droplets from someone who is infected through coughing, sneezing or talking. To protect yourself, the health unit advises people to get a flu shot every year, wash hands often with soap and water, cough or sneeze into one’s upper sleeve or a tissue – not your hand – and keep commonly touched surfaces clean and disinfected.

Starting Oct. 30, people wanting to get this year’s flu vaccine can check out the 2013 schedule for the closest clinic.

According to the Health Unit, tetanus and pneumococcal shots are also available for eligible adults.

For more information about the flu shot call 519-355-1071 or visit www.ckphu.com.



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