Neighbourly networking event set for Feb. 22


By Pam Wright
Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The heart of Dresden’s already flourishing community spirit may grow even bigger.

The municipality is hosting a Connect the Block meeting Feb. 22 to share data, network and develop new and improved ideas.

According to Kelly Emery, it’s a way to share resources and bring community together.

“We want to look at ways to share knowledge between community members and neighbours,” Chatham-Kent’s community and human services director for child care/early years/recreation services said, adding the aim is to share ideas with an emphasis on the important role neighbourhoods play in the health of children and the town as a whole.

Emery said the idea is to “start conversations about how local families are doing and how neighbourhoods can support them to thrive.”

The municipality is looking for ways to help incentivize programs and cut through red tape, Emery explained.

“We want to empower everyone in the community,” she added.

Connect the Block will take place at Dresden Area Central School from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Pizza and refreshments will be served at 5:30 p.m. and childminding will be offered on site for children aged 3 years and up.




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