LETTER: Stop harping on vaccinations, reader says


Editor: Dr. Colby is concerned that the public is being exposed to misinformation and disinformation (“Colby refutes anti-vax claims,” in the Jan. 5 Chatham Voice). In my opinion, the government and public health organizations have provided many untruths as fact and made definitive claims that were disproved.

Proclamations of two doses only; vaccinated individuals won’t catch or transmit; it’s the pandemic of the unvaccinated were made.

Two doses have become “revaccination every five or six months.”

The benefit of vaccination has been downgraded to possibly reducing severe outcomes.

Provincial “vaccine passports” were quickly kyboshed as “breakthrough infections” increased.
Dr. Colby wants the public to have the correct information regarding COVID-19 vaccines, as does Brock McGregor who is quoted in your article as stating, “It’s important at public health that we share accurate, up-to-date, evidence-based information.”

The public has been bombarded with claims of how “safe and effective” these injections are and the insignificance of their side effects. If the vaccines are so benign and the rate of serious adverse reactions so low, then why not publish the information on the C-K Public Health website?

This “safe and effective” vaccine has resulted in the creation of the federal Vaccine Injury Support Program, which applies to vaccines that were administered in Canada beginning Dec. 8, 2020 – the week that COVID-19 vaccinations were rolled out.
Dr. Colby referenced COVID-19 vaccine safety: Report on side effects following immunization on Canada.ca at the Oct. 4, 2021, council meeting. At that time, 55 million vaccine doses had been administered in Canada with 0.008 per cent serious adverse events reported. As of Dec. 9, 2022, the same site indicates 95.5 million doses have been administered with an increased rate (up to 0.011 per cent) of serious adverse events. About nine people in October of 2021, with an increase to 12 individuals currently, could be expected to have serious vaccine side effects locally. Is this the case? Without CKPH publishing this information, we don’t know.

The rate increased. Why?
The adverse events listed are numerous and range from heart complications to anaphylaxis. An additional section covering “Adverse Events of Special Interest” lists conditions like cardiac arrest and spontaneous abortion. Very serious vaccine side effects indeed.
On Dec. 12, 2022, Lori Marshall, provided population demographics to council showing 63 per cent of C-K residents are obese, 22 per cent are smokers, and our community has “higher levels of chronic disease.” Three factors which can also lead to severe outcomes from COVID-19.
It’s been two years since COVID-19 vaccines were made available. People have had ample opportunity to be vaccinated. The CKPHU website shows about 98 per cent of C-K residents aged 60-plus have had two doses and 88 per cent have had three doses. Likely, younger folks with risk factors have been vaccinated.

Why keep harping on people who clearly have no desire to be vaccinated?

There are many other ways to protect oneself from illness, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and maintaining an appropriate body weight.
It’s time to give the vaccine advertising a rest and shift focus to educating and encouraging individuals to be the healthiest they can be. Let optimal health be the ounce of prevention.


Jane LaBute


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