Happy Halloween tips from C-K police


In a matter of hours, the little trick-or-treaters will be out on our streets, on a quest for candy.

Chatham-Kent police would like to remind all drivers to be extra careful while travelling this evening, as a result.

“Although we encourage children to trick-or-treat with a responsible adult, this is an exciting night, and sometimes children are not as careful as they should be,” the police service said via a media release.

They offer these trick-or-treating safety tips:

  • Trick or treat on well-lit streets and always walk on the sidewalk;
  • cross at marked intersections and look both ways before crossing to ensure that all vehicles are obeying the traffic signals;
  • children should always go trick or treating with a responsible adult;
  • make sure that your children wear costumes that are bright, reflective and short enough to prevent tripping;
  • have children carry flashlights (with new batteries) or glow sticks;
  • consider using make-up or face paint instead of a mask for better visibility;
  • ensure children are walking from house to house and not running;
  • trick or treat at homes where you know the owners;
  • carry a cell phone and report suspicious activity to police immediately; and
  • parents should sort and check all treats before they are eaten.

With the increase in pedestrian traffic tonight, motorists are encouraged to reduce their speed, refrain from drinking and driving and put their phones down.


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