C-K seeks feedback from public


The municipality is taking a closer look at how it communicates, and the public now has a chance to provide input.

A survey for residents addressing the matter is currently online and can be found at Let’s Talk CK.

According to corporate initiatives manager Amy Wilcox, the municipality will also be interviewing focus groups along with the survey, to measure the effectiveness of current practices and form the basis of Chatham-Kent’s 2023-2026 corporate communication plan.

In a media release, Wilcox said the municipality “recognizes the growing demand for open and two-way communication, as well as the importance of listening to our citizens, gathering feedback and expanding the use of technology in accessing information.”

Wilcox said the new plan will be a “living document” that will be reviewed annually as part of a commitment to “continuously improve” service and procedures.

The survey is open until Sept. 23.  


  1. Would be nice if you mentioned the title of the survey in the article. There are several when you go to that page on a variety of subjects, none of which clearly match what this article is saying.


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