LETER: We all need to do our part


Editor: We have been struggling with COVID-19 for more than a year now. We have seen some successes and some setbacks. Successes have been due to science-based policies that work, as well as the collective efforts and sacrifices of MOST Ontarians.

The efforts and sacrifices that we were asked to make have come at a huge cost to everyone … physical, mental, social and financial. But these costs have been necessary to fight this aggressive and mutating virus.

Children and teachers cannot engage in face-to-face learning. Some teachers are teaching virtually while trying to teach their own children. They are not just babysitters.

Despite this, we see a third wave of even more severe infections caused by inconsistent policy, slow vaccine rollout, more infectious variants of concern, but also COVID fatigue, the letting down of our guard.

This is NOT the time to let down our guard or we will see a continued cycle of recurring waves and recurring restrictions.

We can end this together.

Laws are currently in place to restrict operation of non-essential business and large public gatherings without masks. These laws speak to pandemic controls but in C-K these laws are not being enforced. Several large gatherings have been held in C-K recently and only two people have been held accountable. Tell that to the people who have become sick.

I miss my kids and grandkids as well as my friends. I would love things to go back to “normal.” But until we get these high numbers down and vaccines into arms we will not have a normal.

I sincerely request that enforcement of these laws be applied consistently and fairly across C-K.

If we are to get back to any sense of normal, those responsible for spreading the virus must be held to account.

We all need to get on with our lives.

Diane Watson



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