Active COVID numbers plummet in C-K


By Jenna Cocullo, Local Journalism Initiative

Eleven people were listed as recovered from the coronavirus in Chatham-Kent on Friday, leaving only 18 active cases.

One new case was also added to the list, bringing the cumulative total to 487 cases since the onset of the pandemic.

No one is hospitalized and the death toll sits and three.

Three workplace outbreaks and one school outbreak are still declared active, however, Chatham-Kent’s chief medical officer of health, Dr. David Colby, stated on Thursday that he expected at least two to be resolved within the coming days.

The coronavirus is not the only thing that is going down locally. According to Colby, the influenza rates are “very much down” locally and throughout Ontario, as well as the number of influenza-like illnesses. Because of the COVID-19 controls (physical distancing, frequent hand washing, and masks), fewer people are contracting the flu, he explained.

“So all of these precautions that we’re following will definitely have other positive health consequences. And this as we’re heading into the traditional influenza season,” he said.

Colby said Public Health has seen a very high demand for the flu shot this year and the public health unit still has a large supply ready for distribution.

“Your health-care provider can still provide the flu shot. It’s not too late and the flu season really hasn’t got going. Normally we like to start a little earlier than late November, but it’s still beneficial to get yours,” he said.


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