Seize the opportunity

(Sarah Schofield / Chatham Voice)

Editor: So last week was a crazy week amid an altogether crazy month.

Between COVID, Gay Pride month and Black Lives Matter week, it’s created what feels like an extreme numbness starting to develop.
It’s just too much.
One thing COVID – I thought – taught us is that in a moment of crisis, we are all the same. To create a silver lining from all of this, in my mind, is that, when March hit, no one person worried about gender, race, sexual selves or financial status. We were all just people helping one another stay safe, stay alive.
If I were to make one wish, to see one idea resonate beyond this tragic moment in the world, it would be that we remember that feeling; one where you looked to either side of you and didn’t see black Frank, gay Frank, trans Frank, Native Frank or Pakistani Frank, but instead … just Frank!
We have an opportunity for change right now, in this moment in time. Let’s not waste it.


Rocky Gaudrault




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