Narrow scope, tight window for volunteer spot


The Municipality of Chatham-Kent Infrastructure of Bridges, Culverts and Roads Innovation Committee is currently recruiting a volunteer citizen appointment for a technical expert for the remainder of the 2018 to 2022 term.

You have until Nov. 29 to apply.

The application form can be obtained online by visiting the Committee’s page on the municipal website or a paper copy is available at the Blenheim, Chatham, Dresden, Ridgetown, Tilbury or Wallaceburg Municipal Centre.

Applications may be scanned and e-mailed to Nancy van den Boorn at or returned to any Municipal Centre.

Resumes must be attached outlining education, business and financial experience, procurement experience, knowledge of the design and construction of infrastructure specifically including roads, bridges and culverts, and knowledge of the Drainage Act and other government regulations.

The purpose of this committee will be to consider how the Municipality of Chatham-Kent can innovate and optimize investments related to the infrastructure of bridges, culverts and roads.

The committee will review the processes related to such things as best procurement methods, financing options, and service level changes.

The committee is comprised of four members of council, three representatives from the agriculture industry and three infrastructure experts.

The committee meets the first Tuesday of every month on an as-needed basis at the Civic Centre.


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