Air pollution


Sir: Re: Dan Kelly’s letter to the editor, “What alternatives are there to carbon tax?” It would seem that you think the only hope to stop the pollution of our air is to tax the hard-working people of this country. This is the Liberal way.

Tax them until they comply.

The Trudeau Liberals’ plan is to allow polluters to buy carbon credits so that they can continue polluting our Canadian air and I refer you to Trudeau’s statement about the pollution emitted from his older jet where he said that he paid for credits so that he could pollute our air.

This is not the way to do things, as Mr. Scheer stated on live TV and in newspapers. His plan is to help firms to create new technology so that it can be used worldwide to eliminate air pollution and to fine polluters who do not try to cut back on their pollution.

We can do our very best as Canadians to cut back on pollution but we will never achieve a realistic goal if all other nations such as China, India, the U.S., Japan and other developing nations do not do their part. We can all make a statement against the corporate polluters in these countries by boycotting their products.

I have lost total respect for Trudeau and all of his puppets. He should go back to school and learn how to do math. As he has no idea how to calculate how our deficit and interest will affect our children and grandchildren in the future.

He should go back to school and learn the math, as he sure does not know how to add and subtract. Maybe someone can teach him and all of the other people in need of the use of the old math, eg. 2+3-1=4.

John Malolepszy,



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