Cenotaph vigil returns


Christ Church Chatham is again asking for support in standing vigil at the Chatham cenotaph.

In honour of the 100th anniversary of the First World War Armistice, Christ Church is calling on service groups, churches, businesses and individuals to stand vigil for a 64-hour period from Nov. 8-11.

This is a non-denominational event, opened to all who wish to participate; coming together to honour our history and embrace our future.

Last year, with the public’s support, and support from Revera Retirement Living in Ridgetown and Blenheim, Christ Church held a successful 150-hour vigil at the cenotaph to mark Canada’s 150th birthday.

This time around, teams will take two-hour shifts at the cenotaph. Christ Church will be opened during the vigil as a warm-up spot; a place for participants to get a hot beverage and food.

Any group or individual wishing to participate, can contact Christ Church at 519-352-1640 or churchoffice@christchurchchatham.ca.


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