Jury duty unrewarding


Sir: I offer encouragement to the Saskatchewan jury after enduring allegations of racism following their decision to acquit Canadian farmer Gerald Stanley in the death of Colten Boushie, in spite of the pressure applied during pre-trial accusations of his guilt.

As the jury determined, we will never know if Boushie’s death was intentional.

As a juror it would have been difficult for me to condemn a man for acting to protect his person and property.

Had Boushie not been active on Stanley’s property, he would have saved everyone much grief.

Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould was clinging to the coattail of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as both undermined the jurors’ duty and decision by their concurring comments stating that we can, must and have to do better.

I would prefer the two of you refrain from your presumptive practice of speaking inclusively on my behalf.

As for the jurors, they did just fine.

Brock Turner



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