CCAC receives additional funding


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Regional Community Care Access Centres (CCAC) will receive a one-time donation of $225,000 to support more complex health care in the home.

The Erie-St. Clair Local Health Integration Network is providing the funding for the Intensive Hospital to Home Initiative (IHH), which supports patients with high acuity care needs.

The funding will enable these patients to stay in their homes as long as possible; transition from hospital to home to make decisions about where their care needs are best met in the future; and support increased volumes of high-needs patients from community agencies.

The IHH supports through CCAC will also assist with improving patient flow through the acute and post-acute care hospital system, by being able to care for more complex patients at home and reducing the need for increased hospital stays.

“This investment made into our local CCAC to care for more complex patients at home, is key for both patients and for the health care system,” Ralph Ganter, acting CEO of the local LHIN, said in a media release. “We have been able to direct almost $2 million in funding this year towards home and community services, because care closer to home and in the community is important to patients and essential for a well-functioning health care system.”


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