Enough food to fill an ambulance


0602paramedics food web

From left, paramedics Beth Durocher and Belinda Keith, along with the help of Macey Durocher, 5, loaded up an ambulance full of food on Victoria Day.

In less than 48 hours, local paramedics donated non-perishable food items and $800 in cash – which Keith promptly turned into a lot more food courtesy of the folks at Food 4 Less in Chatham – to take to the Salvation Army for its food bank.

Keith considered it a fitting kick off to paramedics’ week. She said there will also be a barbecue and open house at the base on Richmond Street today and Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Paramedics will put on a CPR demonstration and host a blood pressure clinic at Thamesview Family Health Team on Wednesday.


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