Candidate platform – Bev Shipley


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Bev Shipley — Conservative

The Liberals and the NDP would have you believe this election is about change. I disagree. This election is not about change. It’s about leadership!  Proven Leadership for a Stronger Canada.

It’s leadership that has given Canada an enviable economic position in the world.  Under the strong and proven leadership of our Prime Minister Stephen Harper Canada is stronger, safer and more prosperous than it has ever been.

Our Conservative government led Canada through the worst global recession since the Great Depression from which we emerged faster and stronger than any other country. We’ve balanced the budget. Our taxes are lower than they have been in 50 years. Our investments in families, seniors, veterans and to our provinces are higher than they have ever been. Canada’s middle class is the wealthiest in the world, and more Canadians are working now than at any other time in history.

Believe it or not, there are those who would like to change all that.

They would take us back to days of big government and big taxes. At a time of global economic uncertainty, their plans for billions of dollars in new and reckless spending combined with higher payroll and carbon taxes will cost us jobs and put at risk our social safety nets. Their risky schemes have failed before and are failing now in other parts of the world.

They will bring back the long-gun registry and they would undo so much of what we’ve accomplished.

On October 19th Canadians have a choice – a choice between the tried and tested leadership of Stephen Harper and the high-risk and inexperienced alternatives being offered by Mr. Mulcair and Mr. Trudeau.

I believe your choice is clear.

On October 19th, I ask for your vote to re-elect me as your Member of Parliament.


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