Councillors must open their eyes, minds


Sir: Well, kudos to Carol Evans Henley on her letter to the editor in The Chatham Voice Aug. 6, “Property bylaw in place for a reason.”

Glad to hear they tore down the building on your street. It sure sounds like it was a real garbage dump. There are many places in Chatham the same. They have old carpets etc., laying along-side their residences.

It just doesn’t seem anyone from municipal council takes a ride to see things for themselves. I wrote way back about the old Aberdeen Hotel. But there it still stands until someone gets hurt. Guess the city can get more tax from a building than an empty lot.

But what seemed very eye-catching was a cartoon with the new animal bylaw on the difference of owning two cats compared to six cats. The person who thought that up was right on. We certainly need a second thought before bylaws are passed. So many are broken anyway or not enforced.

Ruth Draper



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