Jenni Matthys, left, and Carter, along with Megan Tricker and Landen Deschene enjoy time sharing books as part of the Ontario Early Years Centre Reading Party Tuesday afternoon at Queen Elizabeth School. The event was part of Family Literacy Day.
The Baby Plan and Learn group of the Ontario Early Years Centre (OEYC) took part in Family Literacy Day Tuesday afternoon.
Mothers and their infants gathered on the reading rug in the OEYC rooms at Queen Elizabeth school in Chatham to enjoy books and cuddle time together.
“It really supports the love of reading,” Carrie Myers, early literacy speciallist at C-K OEYC, said of the event. “Literacy begins at birth. We’re not teaching babies how to read, we’re just highlighting the importance of family literacy.”
According to ABC Family Literacy, simple things such as reading and telling stories to a young child can stimulate brain development, and reading to children more than once a day “can have a positive impact on their future academic skills.”
Thank you for capturing the "Love of Books" shared by families at the OEYC!
Thank you for capturing the "Love of Books" shared by families at the OEYC!