Ward 5 candidate Jeff Wesley


Wesley jeff webIt has been an honour to represent Wallaceburg for over 20 years as your mayor and current councillor.

Michelle and I were born at Sydenham District Hospital and we were married in Wallaceburg 34 years ago. We have four married children with three grandchildren.

My heart and my family are in Wallaceburg.

For over 20 years I have stood up for Wallaceburg and always put Wallaceburg first.

Whether it was our hospital, our pool, our walking bridge, our drinking water or a local golf course that was threatened, I always stood up for Wallaceburg, did my homework and spoke with knowledge and conviction.

I have never shied away from the tough issues. With your support I would be honoured to continue to do so.

Would you support a tax freeze or rollback if it meant reduced staff or services?

Yes. I have a long track record in opposing wasteful and unnecessary spending.

Would you support an OPP costing study?

Yes. The OPP have a new costing methodology we need to look at although with a contract that promises the OPP will be the highest paid police in Ontario does not help on the costing side. The OPP would have to be the lowest cost over the long term and not just in year one before I would consider a change. I have a lot of respect for Chief Poole and the CKPS but the arbitration system has to be corrected as municipalities and taxpayers cannot afford the salary settlements that are happening and all avenues for cost savings must be considered.

Would you support examining a volunteer-only fire service if the provincial arbitration system isn’t overhauled?

No. Any examination I expect would show that the larger urban centers (Chatham and Wallaceburg) require a full time fire service supplemented by a volunteer fire service but if that is not the case I would keep an open mind on the subject and seek community input. The arbitration system needs to be fixed as municipalities and taxpayers cannot afford the salary settlements that are being provided by the arbitrators and all avenues of cost savings must be considered.

Do you believe we should continue our ongoing efforts to attract economic investment from China?

Yes. In the short term. We need to finish what was started here. There is the potential for a huge investment and a lot of jobs very close to Wallaceburg. Nothing is finalized yet but we need to see if anything comes of all the effort by the mayor and economic development. If nothing materializes then we need to stop and re-focus. I firmly support a program where we focus more effort on supporting growth within our existing business and industry. They are already here and we will benefit from their growth.

Would you support contracting municipal services to the private sector if those services can be delivered more efficiently?

Yes, but it must be shown that it can be done more efficiently over the long term and not just in year one when the supplier could submit a low bid just to get the work and then raise the cost in later years. A lot of CK services are already contracted out to the private sector.

Would you support investigating amalgamation of fire/ambulance/police services to reduce costs?

Yes. This seems like a natural fit.

Would you support a municipal tree-cutting bylaw if it contained incentives for woodlot owners to retain/increase tree cover?

Yes. The incentives must be reasonable. The bylaw must be supported by all parties to the issue – agriculture, environmentalists, landowners, taxpayers etc..

Do you believe we need a municipal ombudsman or ethics commissioner such as London and Windsor have added?

Yes. We need to look at cost sharing this position with other municipalities to save taxpayer dollars. Such a position would help to reduce negativity and build trust in all parts of the municipality. The more taxpayers know and understand the workings of the municipality the better off we all are. It should be easy for taxpayers to access non-confidential material. This position would be completely independent from the municipality and would provide a higher level of trust and issue resolution for all taxpayers and that would be a good thing.

Would you consider developing a usage benchmark for municipal offices, arena and libraries and closing those that don’t meet the standards?

No Usage in our smaller communities is only one benchmark to use. I would support a broader benchmark taking in several factors. Equally or more important is what that municipal office, arena or library means to that community. The purpose of an amalgamated municipality is not to have everything located in Chatham. We may all be a part of CK but we also deserve our fair share of services and quality of life in our own community.

Do you support development of a community-wide multipurpose recreation centre?

No. From what I know today CK cannot afford it and CK’s track record on containing costs in large projects is not good. However, if the private sector wants to take this on and can present a well thought out business plan I would keep an open mind. I supported the Hunter brothers when they wanted to bring Jr. A hockey to CK. Look at what they have done for London.

Do you support an adopt-a-park program in which service or volunteer groups assume some maintenance (grass cutting) of some municipal facilities?


Do you support investigating a reduction in the number of municipal councilors?




More Jobs

We need more jobs. While there has been some success in filling vacant buildings (i.e.: Lambton Conveyor) and adding local jobs we need a lot more. I will give it everything I have to bring more jobs to our community. We also need to focus more on supporting growth within our local business and industry. If we want local business and industry to grow, create jobs and remain competitive we need to get electricity rates (and the cost of being in business) under control.

Lower Taxes

I have a long track record in opposing wasteful and unnecessary spending to save your hard earned tax dollars and I will continue to do so. Whether you are a senior, parent, businessperson, worker or youth we all benefit from lower taxes which create more jobs and economic activity.

Sydenham District Hospital (“SDH”)

I have supported and fought for our hospital since 1989 when Matt Miletic first asked me to help raise $2.0 million for SDH to keep it open. I am still working to support SDH:

Working with the Save Our Sydenham Committee (former Chairperson, current executive member) we now have a SDH Board (2014) that is local and supportive of SDH.

I volunteered for the SDH Board in 2014 and was elected Chairperson.

Volunteered as a fundraiser to bring in additional family and emergency room physicians.

There is a new era beginning for our hospital and if re-elected as a councillor I will work to resolve the uncertainty around our hospital once and for all. This has gone on long enough!


I have never shied away from the tough issues and I always speak up in support of Wallaceburg. Whether it is our hospital, threats to our pool and downtown bridge or spills into our drinking water you know that I will do my homework and speak up on your behalf with knowledge, conviction and results.


20 years of municipal experience as your Mayor and currently as your Wallaceburg Councillor.

30 years of business experience at a major corporation.

Honours B.A. (Western) and LL.B (Windsor).

Proud graduate of D.A. Gordon, W.T. Laing and W.D.S.S.

25 Year volunteer with the United Way

Countless leadership positions in the issues that matter to our community.

All Communities Deserve Their Fair Share

We are a part of Chatham-Kent and what is good for Wallaceburg is good for Chatham-Kent and vice versa. However, an amalgamated municipality like Chatham-Kent does not mean that all important municipal services and new development should be in Chatham. The outlying communities, such as Wallaceburg, deserve to get their fair share and I will work with the other Chatham-Kent Councillors to make sure this happens.

Contact Details

If you would like a copy of my complete election brochure please email me at jeff@votejeffwesley.com or call 519-627-5331.


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