Evening storm does limited damage to power grid

A large branch split off this tree in the front yard of a Lancefield Place home late yesterday afternoon, as high winds knocked down many branches and a few trees in Chatham and area.
A large branch split off this tree in the front yard of a Lancefield Place home late yesterday afternoon, as high winds knocked down many branches and a few trees in Chatham and area.

Last night’s storm that blew through Chatham-Kent may have knocked down tree branches hither and yon, but Entegrus officials say only about 200-300 of their customers lost power for any length of time.

Gary Aitken of Entrgrus attributed the outages due to the high winds that came with the storm, as well as a few lightning strikes, which knocked branches and trees down, which in turn struck hydro wires.

Aitken said everyone had their power restored by 12:30 a.m.


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