LETTER: Tax after tax after tax


Editor: Why is it that our esteemed politicians cannot balance the budget to save their lives, but all become millionaires?

Why is it that we pay income tax on our earnings then have to pay tax on items purchased with already taxed money?

Everything we do is taxed with already taxed money.

Tax Freedom Day this year in Canada was at the summer solstice, June 21. In the U.S., it was a month and a half earlier. This means if you paid all your taxes up front at the start of the year, all your earnings go to pay all your taxes up until June 21. Nothing for food, clothing, rent, etc. After June 21, the money you earn is yours.

We pay almost half of our money in taxes! The American Revolution began because the colonists were resisting a two-per-cent tax on tea. What happened?

Bryan Marino



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