UPDATE: Fire on Bloomfield Road

(Image courtesy Chatham-Kent fire service)

Firefighters from five different stations in Chatham-Kent teamed up to battle a railroad tie fire just off Bloomfield Road Thursday evening.

The first call went out shortly after 7 p.m., as the fire service received a report of a brush fire just west of Bloomfield Road near Chatham and north of Queen’s Line.

However, a large pile of railroad ties was in the process of burning.

Tankers from Station 15 Raleigh North, Station 12 Harwich North, and Station 7 Chatham South were called in to assist with supplying adequate water to fight the stubborn fire.

Crews were on scene well into the night fighting the blaze.

No one was injured and the cause is undetermined.

Damage is estimated at $20,000.

(Image courtesy Greg Chivers/Facebook)


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