Casino funds flow to C-K


Fourth quarter funds from the operation of the Cascades Casino in Chatham recently landed in the municipality’s lap.

The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) said a non-tax gaming revenue payment of $326,705 went to the municipality for hosting the casino.

Since April 2001, Chatham-Kent has received more than $14.1 million in non-tax gaming revenue.

OLG makes payments to host communities under the Municipality Contribution Agreements, using a prescribed formula consistently applied across all sites in Ontario that is based on a graduated scale of gaming revenue at the hosted site or sites.

Darrin Canniff, Mayor of Chatham-Kent, said normal quarterly payouts are about $400,000, adding COVID-19 and pandemic restrictions have certainly impacted the operation.

Funds from the payout are placed in the overall municipal budget, Canniff said.

The Cascades Casino does more than funnel money to the municipality, the mayor said.

“The casino has made a significant contribution to our community through annual contributions, property taxes and as an employer. They provide an entertainment venue that attracts people from around the region,” he said.


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