LTVCA offers webinar series


Mother Nature may be asleep, but it’s the perfect time to learn more about her ways.

The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority is providing that opportunity with the launching of a winter online webinar series.

The series kicks off Jan. 10 with New York Times best-selling biologist and author Doug Talley who will speak about “nature’s best hope.” Talley has a message that conservation activities can happen in anyone’s yard – whether you’re a landowner or a renter. The author provides tips to people about developing spaces into havens for birds, butterflies and native species.

On Jan. 24, the webinar will feature the LTVCA’s take on Conservation in Action. The program focuses on the fact conservation is a community effort and highlights projects such as wetlands, tree plantations and prairies that landowners can create with the help of the LTVCA. Species-at-risk and invasive species will also be discussed.

Tree planting will also be examined just in time for the annual native tree sale, which closes March 1.

On Feb. 7, Mike Smith from ReLeaf Chatham-Kent will host a “Greening Your Grounds” webinar. The event will review storm water management for homeowners and teach participants how to minimize the impact of too much rain. Those who sign up will receive a free booklet from the Rotary Club of Chatham Sunrise.

The final webinar on Feb. 21 will discuss “Where It All Began,” featuring the history of the Lower Thames area and the significance of the watershed.

The events are being held through Zoom beginning at 7 p.m. Participants are required to sign up through Eventbrite at–webinar-series-12129.

Each time you register and attend an event, you will be entered into a draw for a $50 gift card to a local resident. If you attend all events, your entries double.

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