Yard sales a go in C-K


Public Health to closely monitor yard sales

Jenna Cocullo, Local Journalism Initiative

Grab your old tea sets, your ex’s belonging and outgrown clothes. Chatham-Kent residents will be able to hold yard sales this summer, according to the municipality’s medical officer of health.

On Thursday, Dr. David Colby gave an update on the COVID-19 situation at a media briefing.

“I think we would have a very hard time prohibiting yard sales and enforcing such a prohibition,” he said.

However, Public Health will monitor the situation “very, very closely,” and will release guidelines shortly stressing the safety rules.

Residents wishing to hold or attend a yard sale are being asked to physical distance and have some hand sanitizer on hand.

Drive-in church services being considered

Colby said, in theory, drive-in movies and drive-through church services should be fine so long as the public follows the basic rules.

With Boonies Drive In Theatre, Tilbury, opening up shortly, Colby said Public Health is asking only family members to share a single vehicle.

“Would have a problem with larger, you know, groups of friends getting in a vehicle, and basically having a party very close together while they’re watching a movie. That’s not possible for social distancing,” he said.

The same applies to vehicle church ceremonies, which are currently being looked into in Chatham-Kent.

“We don’t want people shaking hands between cars and violating the physical distancing. That is so crucial to keep this at bay,” Colby said.




  1. There are so many things wrong with this statement.
    He;Dr. Colby is stereotyping Churches. That can’t guarantee no handshakes will occur. But yet parties and illegal family gatherings are occurring all over CK. Kids are playing on playgrounds. Mass gatherings at Walmart and Hardware stores.
    He has cancelled Kids sports leagues. Which have few to no contact with other players ex: soccer/baseball.
    The point is it’s just “word”. CKPD has yet to issue fines to the masses.
    You can’t put statements out like this when Ford and Trudeau governments haven’t lifted the ban of 5 people gatherings.
    It’s a lost cause- CK has poverty and mental health issues. Dr. Colby you’re adding fuel to a fire that will have citizens upset and more violations occurring.
    Because they can’t see a loved one; a family member dying or a new birth to rejoice. Or because they haven’t been told or given the OKAY to escape to a family member or friends house during a domestic abuse situation.
    Let’s think about things that are at the heart of the matter to all CK citizens and have a reality check. Before, sitting at a table and releasing statements that are going to cause more harm to the people of Chatham-Kent, that make zero sense to any sort of priority.

  2. Yardsale can be set up properly with signs and distancing instructions also people that hold the sales offer handsanitizer and the home owner should where masks or shields.


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