Faith-based event geared towards women


The women’s ministry of Evangel Community Church in Chatham is plugging into an event it would like to share: IF: Gathering 2020.

The ministry is live streaming the Dallas event into the church Feb. 7 and 8.

“It’s to try to have two days where woman can come together and forget about social media and all the noise and chaos going on in their lives and just focus on the message of Jesus,” Lori Gall, a member of Evangel’s women’s ministry, said.

IF: Gathering is an annual event. Some churches will live stream it, as Evangel is doing this year, while others will play portions of the event at a later date.

Gall said this is the first year Evangel has become involved.

It evolved out of a rebuilding of the women’s ministry.

“The women’s ministry at Evangel had disbanded for a little bit. We came back together in September, and had a big event, Rooted in Him. About 200 women came out,” she said.

“A lot of women felt lost and said they feel alone and are struggling with relationship issues, with family issues, and even just not having friends,” she said. “To me, that’s sad. I hate to see women who are struggling like that.”

By holding the IF: Chatham-Kent 2020, Gall said the women’s ministry hopes to help lift the spirits of women, regardless of denomination or if they even attend a church.

“This is just to help women be grounded. We are trying to bring an event that is positive. We hope to make them feel like they have connections and support,” she said.

The event is also about flexibility. Attendees won’t be glued to a church pew; they can come and go as they please.

“You don’t have to come the entire weekend. It’s not an all-or-nothing thing. You can come in and take in what you have time for,” she said. “You can also step aside from the live streaming and converse.”

On the Friday night, the streaming starts at 7 p.m. Gall said the Saturday features a full slate.

Cost is $10 per person, but for women staying at the Chatham-Kent Women’s Centre, admission is free.

Gall said the fee is just to cover expenses.

“We are not doing it to make money at all. It’s really about the connection,” she said. “If someone wants to attend and even $10 is too much, if they contact the church, they will be taken care of. It’s about getting that message; it’s not about the money.”

To register, visit or visit the church office at 76 Sandys St. in Chatham.




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