Chatham-Kent has a turbine expert?


Sir: I find it very interesting that Dr. W David Colby is going to be addressing the International Conference on Wind Turbine Noise in Lisbon, Portugal in June. 

According to their list of presenters, his topic will be, “Wind Turbines and Groundwater Contamination: An Analysis.”

That certainly should be a very short presentation, if it is based on his work done in Chatham-Kent. I was at a meeting where he saw the black water, refused to even touch the container, and declared that it was likely safe to drink. He has never done an analysis for heavy metals or Kettle Point Black Shale.

Does that indicate what “an analysis” is, according to his topic?  Is he presenting his information, or, what was supposedly gathered by the wind consortium?

Is he a hired mouthpiece that is far enough from home to be an expert?

Is he going on his own initiative for the good of world health?

Is he representing Chatham-Kent, the willing host, and share holder of a wind farm?

Is he going to represent the Ontario College of Surgeons and Physicians as an expert and student of the effects of turbines?

When Jessica Brooks, the spokesperson for Water Wells First, asked him for a copy of his presentation, he said that it was not ready yet. Has he not yet started his research for such an important presentation?

Before Doug Ford was elected premier, he promised, in writing, that the health effects of wind turbines on water wells and residents would be studied. When will this study be started? 

What is Monte McNaughton, Minister of Infrastructure, doing to help his home riding?

What is Rick Nicholls, who is the MPP for the other half of the problem area, doing?

How many more areas in Ontario have water wells affected by the installation and operation of wind farms?

Should it be Christine Elliot, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, who should be undertaking the study on health effects on humans by a contaminated aquifer? It would ultimately be that department that will be bearing the costs of those effects.

What is being hidden? Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing!

Peter J Hensel

Dover Centre


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