Giving money, not time


It is an undisputed truth that Chatham-Kent has some of the most generous people around.

All you need is to give people a person, family, charity or cause to get behind and Chathamites will come out in droves to help.

Our community is lucky enough to have an abundance of service organizations that work hard all year to raise funds for very worthy causes in this area.

From the United Way to the Chatham-Kent Hospice to the Shepherd’s Way Inn, people step up to make good things happen.

At a time, though, when membership in service clubs is declining somewhat, the 100 Men/Women Who Care groups are a great alternative for people who may not have the time commitment for Rotary or Kiwanis, but still want to help.

The concept is amazingly simple. Go to four meetings a year with $100 in hand. Listen to three short presentations on nominated charities, vote for the one that moved you the most and leave – all in one hour four times a year.

You can also nominate your favourite charity for the funding.

What a quick way to help the community and still be home in time to help your kids with homework, or do that load of laundry or dishes.

With membership of at least 100 people and more, each time the group meets, a local charity benefits by more than $10,000.

No membership fees, no weekly meetings and no conventions. For people who are busy and don’t have time for the fellowship and camaraderie service clubs offer, the Men/Women Who Care group is perfect.

Service clubs have helped shape Chatham-Kent and make our community better, but for people who want to help but just can’t make that time commitment, this group may be just what you are looking for.

Whatever fits your lifestyle better, do yourself a favour and check out the many service clubs in Chatham-Kent and pick one that resonates with you.

You will find a sense of purpose and fellowship you can’t really find elsewhere.


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