Fibre installation left street a mess


Sir: Recently the contractor for Bell Canada has been active in the Chatham area, primarily Prestancia, installing high-speed Fibe facilities.

The contractor made it known by a door-to-door representative that they would clean up and leave the properties as they found them.

Not so!

They have left a total mess in their wake and instead of lawn sod replacement or hydra seed application, they raked the soil and spread lawn seed, which was mostly eaten by the local bird population.

Concrete that was broken up was replaced with gravel. This is unacceptable and the traffic inconvenience over the past weeks has been extremely irritating, not to mention the potential for accidents.

I did not ask for this disruption. I will not use Bell Fibe, as smaller, local high-speed suppliers have a much stronger product at significantly lower rates than Bell.

Richard Carnell




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