Municipal overhaul in the works



A departmental reorganization last week means the municipality should be in a better position to meet its goals in tourism, resident attraction and retention, according to Chief Administrative Officer Don Shropshire.

“We’ve been working on how we best streamline and align responsibilities so there’s a direct line in terms of who does what and who reports to whom,” he said. “Over time, we had a blending and overlap in certain areas and this corrects that issue.”

Positions were merged and eliminated with the current result that six staff members were no longer needed.

“There were no performance issues whatsoever,” he said. “It’s simply a matter of us finding the most efficient way of getting where we need to be.”

Shropshire said there will be some new positions posted as the process moves forward.

What was formerly known as community services will now be known as the community attraction and leisure services division.

It will be responsible for tourism, culture, resident retention and attraction, branding, recreation facilities, and programs, parks, cemeteries, horticulture, J.D. Bradley Centre, and Capitol Theatre operations.

Director Evelyn Bish said the move is part of ongoing efforts to meet the community’s strategic goals.

“I think we will be more efficient and effective,” she said. “There will be synergies within what we’ve done that will help in the growth of Chatham-Kent.”


  1. Jim, exactly what are you planning on doing regarding resident retention and attraction? As far as residential attraction is concerned, are you referring that Chatham could be a retirement city?


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