U10 Thunder strike in Goderich

Frt Row left to right: Goalie Addison Tope, Goalie Natalie Haggerty 2nd row left to right: Keira Rivard, Jocalin Hastings, Malarie Badder, Kate Thompson, Grace Norris, Lily Allado 3rd row left to right: Abby Padbury, Tara Wilson, Allison Newman, Kaia Rivard, Brooke Howe, Abby Janess, Maya Haines, Myah Walters Not seen are head coach Renee Rivard, Assistants Paul Norris, Jeff Walters & Ab Carr, Trainer Amanda Tope & Manager Blair Caron
Frt Row left to right: Goalie Addison Tope, Goalie Natalie Haggerty
2nd row left to right: Keira Rivard, Jocalin Hastings, Malarie Badder, Kate Thompson, Grace Norris, Lily Allado
3rd row left to right: Abby Padbury, Tara Wilson, Allison Newman, Kaia Rivard, Brooke Howe, Abby Janess, Maya Haines, Myah Walters
Not seen are head coach Renee Rivard, Assistants Paul Norris, Jeff Walters & Ab Carr, Trainer Amanda Tope & Manager Blair Caron

1st game Fri against Paris we won 8-3 with Myah Walters netting 3 goals & 1 assist, Kate Thompson with 2 goals, Abby Padbury,  Keira Rivard, & Grace Norris each with a goal. Malarie Badder assisted with 2, Kaia Rivard & Norris also assisting with 1.

Game 2 on Sat against Goderich. Chatham with an 11-4 win. Myah Walters with 4 goal and an assist, Kaia Rivard netted 2, Kate Thompson, Jocalin Hastings, Lily Allado, Tara Wilson & Grace Norris all with a goal each, while Norris & Thompson assisted on 2, Allison Newman & Keira Rivard assisted on one each
Game 3 against Exeter/Seaforth Sat afternoon Chatham wins 8-6. Myah Walters with 3 goals, Kate Thompson netted 2 with an assist, Jocalin Hastings netted 2 & assisted with 1, Kaia Rivard netted 1, Tara Wilson, Grace Norris, Brooke Howe, Malarie Badder & Lily Allado each contributed with an assist

Finals Sun against Exeter/Seaforth Chatham wins 7-5. Maya Walters with 4 goals & an assist, Kate Thompson with 2 goals, Malarie Badder with 2 assists and Kaia Rivard with an assist.


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